Hi all,
In this blog we look at a Columbia models BCW. The model did not take much work too bring it from a toy train into a model train. I used a craft knife to give the smooth wood a weather worn look, added some cattle, and new AR kits bogies.
I first painted the wood white and the steel bracing in rust colour. I also used weathering powders to colour over the white with light and dark gray tones. I then used rust powder over the steel bracing. I removed the roof (not an easy job, it's glued well). Finally, I added some livestock and made a new thinner roof from a tin can!
I got this idea for the roof from the tin one that came with the Stephen Johnson models BCW kit and this model is almost a carbon copy so the steel roof worked out well.
One last note If your thinking of buying these models try to see them before you buy as there somewhat toy like and some of my modeling mates have not been happy with the price charged for the models based there basic appearance. However that being said, with a bit of work, you can come up with a good looking model that I believe was worth putting in the effort.