Tuesday, 21 February 2012

New Rails in scale kit NCPF / RCPF Coil wagon

Hi all,

Just a short post to let you know my next kit will be the NCPF RCPF Coil wagon. The kit will include all the castings, brass etch jack pads, decals ,bogies and Kd,s to build the model. The photo shows a basic test casting. The model is yet to have the bracing added to the coil cradles but it give you an idea of the model. It will be on sale in around 13 weeks. Cost is $50 plus post. Please note, the coils will be extra.

For more info and orders email me at railsinscale@gmail.com
Cheers Dean

Saturday, 18 February 2012

More Van posts! the rusty dusty Auscision NSWGR NLKY

Hi all,

Will I ever stop! It's been a van weathering frenzy, I have lost count. Now you guys get to see one, sometimes two, of each style of model I weather but behind the scenes I have been busy weathering 16 vans for myself and 26 coal hoppers for a customer all with graffiti!

When I have finished I will blog some photos of the hoppers. Anyway back to this blog...

We have a Auscision NLKY van with rusty louvers and showing signs of a typical Aussie rail life. I had some fun getting the rust on each louver! The model is all brush painted. This let me have more control where the colour and rust went as to keep both colours distinctively apart, I don't want a wash of brown and Blue. Once I had the colours where I wanted them I gave the model a going over with powders to tone things down.

   Cheers Dean 
   P.S. Yes, I see the bent step

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

On Track Models V/Line VLEX Louvre van

Hi all,

Just got a set of On Track models VLEX vans thought I'd give them the treatment! There a nice model with working doors and crisp details. I based the model on mid to late 1980's photos so I went easy on the graffiti with just a few tags.

I gave the model a white wash (hard to see in photo) and the roof a good dusting of weathering powder. I did not see the need to go to heavy with the weathering powders as the prototype vans often looked a relatively clean unit with very little if any rust. However there last days saw them just covered in graffiti...Just a thought for more modern day

Modellers, I almost forgot!! A door had to be replaced but the boys at the Vic-rail shops had a replacement out the back....

Cheers Dean.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Auscision Models NSWGR NLKY Louvered Van

Hi all,

This blog we have a Auscision models NLKY Louvered van in PTC colours. The van has had the seen better days treatment with grime, dust and you guessed it RUST!!  The model looks great on the layout but the PTC Teal/blue did not show up well in the pictures (well at-least not on my PC screen). It looks more a grey then a Teal/Blue anyway I hope you get better colours than I'm seeing!

Cheers Dean