Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Updating the update - coil wagon progress

Hi all ,

Things are going well with the new kit. I have made a few changes and added some white metal components to bring the empty running weight up.The finished lower frame has now been re-done with some added detail!

As you can see in the pics, I have added the side rails and the lower parts of the coil seats. This was a test fit of the new white metal parts. I have also added a close up shot of a Jacking pad. This is one of four brass etch pads you construct from the etch parts (see other post for a shot of this etch).
It also has the tow plates in the same etch.

Now for the brass steps. I have started a new master for the steps that will be based on the prototype steps. The NQIW steps were close but not the same! Now, I thought they would be better  than just a bent wire. However, a few you you pointed out that they are close, but  not the same. If I'm putting in so much effort, why not go that little bit extra and make them correct!

So you win! I will cast brass step that match the prototype and I'll keep you posted.


Monday, 5 March 2012

NCPF / RCPF Coil wagon update.

Hi all,

I've received a number of emails in response to the coil wagon and I'm guessing it will be a popular kit! Things are going well with the production. The chassis is completed and some improvements were made. I'm more than pleased with the finished master.

The next improvement is the steps. The kit was going to have wire you bend into steps, but I have chosen to use lost wax brass castings. I did a production run for the Auscision NQIW wagons and they sold out in few days on Ebay! I will re-run them and use them in the coil wagon kit. With the super accurate models from China, I thought it's worth the effort. Also, being brass, they won't break as easy as the plastic items from China. At this date they will remain at $50 per kit plus posage,t and as in the last post , coils will be extra.

I will also be casting white metal coil cradle bases. in addition, the angle brackets behind the cradles will now also be white metal. This is to add weight for empty running. The kits sold with coils will still have the parts in polyurethane, as the coils add the required weight.

At this point the price will remain at $50. However, the lost wax parts are hard too cast with so much 3D detail, and may increase price by $5 per kit! I will keep you posted!!

Later Dean